Charles Willits

Charles Willits

The next time you sit down to a plate of pancakes you should think of Brother Dr. Charles O. Willits. A leader in every aspect of his life, Brother Dr. Charles O. Willits is an example of the men who have promoted the Evergreen Society from the beginning. Charles initiated on March 7th, 1925, into the Cornell Chapter. He went on to earn his Ph.D. in analytical chemistry from Cornell. After World War II, Dr. Willits was asked to head maple syrup research with the USDA in Philadelphia. He spent the next 30 years becoming the world's leading authority on maple sap and syrup. Before his death in 1999, Dr. Willits received two USDA Superior Service Awards. He was published over 150 times on the maple syrup industry, one of which is the world's most complete handbook on maple syrup production. He also held seven patents associated with the production of maple syrup. Because of his estate planning and the Evergreen Society, Dr. Willits left over $200,000.00 to Foundation endowments that are still working today on promoting the mission of Preparing Tomorrow's Leaders.